veggie soup

I have been excited to share this post for months now as it brings back so many memories of my childhood and is one of my very favorite recipes posted to the blog to date. Growing up my Mimi would always make vegetable soup and have it in mason jars ready for us to warm up when the time was just right. She always kept our cupboards full with all the staples. Now that she is gone, I see my Mama doing the same thing for me and Josh. One thing is for sure, no one is going hungry on our families watch!

This recipe is great because there are so many options. I love eating it fresh off the stove after it has simmered a while and then putting anything left over in mason jars to have on hand for a cold winter day when you may be in a time pinch. It is so handy to just grab a jar of homemade soup and warm it up with some Mexican cornbread (who is shocked I choose to make with Mexican cornbread- no one…ha!) If you have some free time and just want a fun productive day of meal prepping, you can make a big pot of this soup and jar all of it up and save it for a cold rainy day, you will thank me later! If you are into canning, this recipe can be pressured and canned for a hearty pantry staple. If canning isn’t your thing and you want to save time, feel free to place in mason jars once cooled, and put in your freezer. Growing up, my grandmother always did this for us and I can’t imagine a life without vegetable soup on hand at all times!

While the thought of having veggie soup on hand stemmed from my Mimi, my recipe has developed over the last few years and I made it about 10 times before I nailed a “recipe” down. Usually it’s a quick meal and I throw whatever vegetables I have on hand at the time inside, but I wanted to be able to share with you guys so I was intentional about measurements and what I put inside. Just know that you can’t mess it up! I have used everything from pre-mixed canned veggies, frozen mixed veggies, individual cans of my favorite veggies, to fresh veggies from the garden in the summer. I have used them all and all methods are great, so use what sounds best to you or what you have on hand. As long as you have around 3-4 cups of your favorite veggies feel free to use what you please!

One thing that really takes this recipe up a notch is a secret my best friend Tiffani taught me. Do you guys know the little packets of dry Italian dressing seasoning that is in the salad dressing section called “Good Seasons- Italian dressing & recipe mix”? Well, if you know- you know… but if you don’t know then you’ve have met your new B.F.F! This stuff is a GAME CHANGER for veggie soup. There are so many recipes I have used this stuff for over the years so I like to keep a couple packets on hand at all times. I can’t wait for you to use it in your next pot of soup!

Another thing to note about this recipe is it’s thick and hearty.  A lot of veggie soup is thin and watery. If that’s your style then feel free to omit the tomatoe paste. However, I choose to add the tomatoe paste because the flavor of this soup comes from the thick savory base!

Do you add meat to you veggie soup? Not me…no shocker there either! But seriously, it’s no longer veggie soup if it has a pound of hamburger in it?!? Ok, a soap box for another day! HA! Again, if adding meat is your thing- go for it! As long as you have your savory base- you are still golden!

I hope you make this recipe and allow it to become a staple in your home, too. I promise nothing will warm your heart or fill your belly like a good warm bowl of veggie soup!


1 large yellow onion

2 carrots

3 celery stalks

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon Tony’s creole seasoning

1 box good quality chicken broth (or 2-3 cans)

4 cups mixed vegetables of choice (canned or frozen)

28oz can petite-diced tomatoes

15oz can tomatoe sauce

1 6oz can tomatoe paste

2 packages of “Good Seasons” dry Italian dressing mix

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper


Start by sautéing onion, celery, and carrots in olive oil and Tony’s for 15 minutes until tender. Add chicken broth and all veggies and bring to a boil. Boil until all veggies are tender. Add all other ingredients and simmer for at least 1 hour.

enjoy!! XoXO- Michaela


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